Rolling With DICE: Seattle Bound With Kenny Host And Damon Dogg

Just a couple of weeks ago, DAMON DOGG, KENNY HOST and I had the pleasure of traveling to Seattle together. It was for both a production trip and for an event at Steamworks Seattle, and the trip turned out to be really hot!

Portland to Seattle is only a 3 hour ride so we took the bus. (Bus rides can be fun…especially if you and your sexed up pals are the only ones riding in the back.)


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Setting up and filming scenes is always loads of fun when you have great energy around you like Damon’s and Kenny’s. Some of the models we worked with on this trip were JACK DARLING, MAX WOODS, ISRAEL OKA, and MAX FERRO.






And of course waking up to see Kenny’s morning ritual is always fun 😉



Until next time,


1 comment
  1. Next time you guys are back here in Seattle I would love to volunteer to help you with the scene shoots 😉

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